So yeah, I've been piecing things together and starting to feel quite comfortable in the directions things are going. I was going to have maybe 10 hours of nannying a week and 8 hours on Sundays at a farmers market to supplement it all. These gave me a little something to sustain life with while working to find more work and make other things work out. The farmers market was in this incredible workers cooperative and had soooo much potential to become something more, something that I might even be able to bring into my other projects and incorporate it all together. But the they just had money stolen, like thousands of dollars that is needed to prepay for produce. So it has to close as it can't buy veggies for this week. It may not be permanent. But a days worth of work for good pay and produce. Gone. The hiking store doesn't pay, the political party is compromised and ethically devoid, nannying..... Well that's good. But its over tomorrow. A few hours a week still maybe. Before I had a couple things, now I have to really get after it again. Why do all these things keep falling apart? What is it that make businesses so hard to maintain here? So many people trying to make ends meet, so few managing to do it. If you have any ethical bone in you, you have to compromise it jsut to make ends meet. So sad.