Occupy!!!!! So yesterday was wonderful!
Back in the occupied saddle. It was lovely. I saw so many friends
and acquaintances that I have sweat with and stood ground next to,
even bled with. I was at Occupy town square for the anniversary festivities. The first occupy town square was at washington sq park,
and this one was much better and bigger! Not that the first one
wasn't great. But this one seemed more magnanimous and had a whole crew of people
from all over the world there. A huge convergence for the Occupy
S17 anniversary. I guess all I can say is that it was so nice to be back
around these people that are all working towards such great causes, and focusing on
treating people with such dignity and respect. I don't ever have to
convince anyone down at occupy about world views or my contempt for
the political system. The minute I step out of Occupy I run across
people where I am always seemingly taking a "radical" stance. I am the crazy guy
tearing apart the system, raising issues that others don't see or
don't maybe care much about
But this is where I came to yesterday: I don't care what you think about
occupy or its methods, but if the world was full of people with Occupy's values we would have no problems. Caring, loving, patient (or at least devoutly trying to be), they just fundamentally view the world
in a way that respects everyone and everything in it. Imagine a
world where everyone respected everyone? Everything? No really,
imagine if every person you came across today treated you with
dignity and respect from the depths of their and your core? Imagine if
governments, businesses, services, everything was designed by and for
people that fundamentally respected each and every person and thing
in the world above all else? Black, white, brown, male, female, both, young, old,
religion, ethnicity, whatever. Imagine if EVERYONE was like this
and had a world view that was like this. The world would be a
TREMENDOUSLY different place.... a much better place I think. So say what you will about Occupy, but they are good people, with great values. We would all be so lucky to be surrounded by such good people.
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